Digital Clock Using 7 Segment Display controlled using TV Remote

Recently I have made another digital clock as a mini project for my course, Microprocessor. If you are following my previous projects, you may noticed that I have made two digital alarm clocks before, one displayed on 7 Segment Display and the other displayed on Liquid Crystal Display. However in this projects, the digital clock combines both of the display. Another special feature in this project is that no buttons are used to control it, instead TV remote is used to control the clock wirelessly.

There are varieties of digital clock available in our daily life. Basic digital clock usually will have some built in features such as alarm clock, calendar, and thermometer besides display the clock information. Some of the advance digital clock also has features such as AM and FM radio. Most of the digital clocks are using LCD display.  Continue reading “Digital Clock Using 7 Segment Display controlled using TV Remote”

Digital Alarm Clock

In this project, I have made myself a simple digital alarm clock which I could make use of what I learnt before. Making this digital alarm clock involves interfacing with LCD and DS1307 Real Time Clock. If you not familiar with them, I would suggest you to read Liquid Crystal Display HD44780 and DS 1307 Real Time ClockContinue reading “Digital Alarm Clock”

DS1307 Real Time Clock (RTC)

DS1307 is a Real Time Clock IC that is commonly used in electronic project among hobbyist. An example of real time clock would be the clock in our computer. Even after the power is shut down, after restarting the computer, we are still able to get an accurate time.

This IC is able to provide accurate informations such as hour, minute, second, day of week, day, month, year. DS1307 uses an I2C communication interfacing which only requires 2 line, data (SDA) and clock (SCL). However, if you are using Arduino, there are ready made library to use rtc to ease your job.

Continue reading “DS1307 Real Time Clock (RTC)”